Yes, this is one very expensive car that I will never be able to afford, but I do LOVE IT!! I had the amazing opportunity to drive this vehicle before we placed it on the showroom floor and I was in heaven. This car comes equipped with a sport suspension, xenon headlights, bluetooth, dual exhaust and the best feature.... 354HP and top speeds of 155MPH!!!! Now, before I worked here I knew nothing about Audi, VW, or any German engineering. Now that I have had the opportunity to get behind the wheel of some of the models that Audi produces. I am in LOVE!!! (And no, I am not trying to sell anyone a car) This is just my personal opinion of this amazing piece of machinery. If you ever get the chance to drive anything made by Audi, I highly suggest you take the opportunity. It is the most fun and smoothest ride I've ever driven.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Favorite Things Thursday
Yes, this is one very expensive car that I will never be able to afford, but I do LOVE IT!! I had the amazing opportunity to drive this vehicle before we placed it on the showroom floor and I was in heaven. This car comes equipped with a sport suspension, xenon headlights, bluetooth, dual exhaust and the best feature.... 354HP and top speeds of 155MPH!!!! Now, before I worked here I knew nothing about Audi, VW, or any German engineering. Now that I have had the opportunity to get behind the wheel of some of the models that Audi produces. I am in LOVE!!! (And no, I am not trying to sell anyone a car) This is just my personal opinion of this amazing piece of machinery. If you ever get the chance to drive anything made by Audi, I highly suggest you take the opportunity. It is the most fun and smoothest ride I've ever driven.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Countdown time!!!
And I saved the best for last, I am going to get to see the man I have now come to believe is the love of my life. If you read my previous blog, TMI, then you will know that this is my very first love from 10 years ago. We recently rekindled our relationship and even miles apart, it's better than ever. I am coming to believe more and more everyday that all of the awful relationships I've had in the past have only taught me the lessons I needed to know to make a future with this man. And in 34 days I am going to get to put my arms around him for the first time in a VERY long time. I dream about this moment ALL the time LOL. My military wives will completely understand this feeling. Its that nervous-anxious-happy-thrilled-gonna puke-feeling when Homecoming has become a reality. Getting on that plane cannot get here fast enough for me. I am just hoping that the next 34 days go by very quickly. I might be blogging alot to get out my frustration!!! LOL
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Science 1, Me 0
Had I not left it in there for such a long time and left the apartment to get my ipod out of the truck, it would not have been such a fail. But I came back to a God awful smell and smoke EVERYWHERE. I set the marshmellows on fire in the microwave. I am a super genius.
Three hours later the smoke has all cleared, the microwave needs to be scrubbed and the apartment smells like burnt plastic. And I had to throw out one of my favorite bowls on top of it all.
Science 1, Me 0
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Favorite Things Thursday!
To kick off this awesomely amazing Thursday I'd like to talk about one of my favorite breakfast foods: eggs. If you've seen the news recently you've probably heard about the 338 Million eggs being recalled for salmonella. Yes, unfortunately, I had one of those cartons.
Tuesday morning I got up earlier than normal to make myself my favorite thing with eggs, eggs benedict. I recently read on a health website that this is actually one of the better breakfasts you can have for yourself when trying to lose weight, such as I am. Unfortunately no more drowning it in hollandaise sauce :( Nevertheless, I made my scrumptious breakfast and proceeded to get ready for my day.
After about an hour at work I was definitely not feeling so hot. This lasted well into the night and I was pretty sure I would've taken death over to continue feeling so miserable. Yesterday morning trying to recover from my post-puke hangover I logged on to check my email and read the story covering the Yahoo homepage. There it was in print, the name of the only type of eggs I buy. Took myself and my eggs down to the health dept, got tested and put on antibiotics and seriously debated eating eggs (which I love) ever again.
Tune in next week for hopefully a more positive Favorite Things Thursday!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Jewelry is always good

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A couple months ago I actually rekindled a romance with my high school sweetheart. Yes, that was 10 yrs ago. He was my first love, first kiss, first boyfriend, first THAT, first everything basically! Lol. He (we'll leave it at B) actually broke up with me after almost two years together because he thought he wasn't good enough for me. I had goals and ambitions and at the time he wanted to smoke pot. Wasn't a big deal to me. I was devastated when we broke up. Nevertheless, over the last ten years he has contacted me a few times at random, the last time being about 5 yrs ago right after the birth of my son. I was married at the time and our contact did not last very long.
On Father's Day this year I was feeling nostalgic and put on the sappy cd, got out the wine, and dug into my chest through all my old pics. I came across one particular album full of pics of me and B. It made me really think and reevaluate the relationships I've had since our breakup. I held said pictures in my hands and cried for hours. It really dawned on me that I didn't even marry a man who loved me as much as B did when we were kids. It made me very sad and by the end of the day I had made up my mind to contact him. After some
Long story semi-short we ended up talking the next day and as soon as I heard his voice a ton of emotions hit me like a brick. I had alot of unresolved feelings for him. It did lead to us getting back together and both of us still had alot of love for each other. We have now been back together for almost two months.
SO the point of this whole actual blog. B has not been the perfect person. No one is. I don't expect it. We all make mistakes. Last Thursday I get a call from his roommate on my way to work telling me that the DNR (dept of natural resources) has picked up B and hauled him off to jail. Yes, you are reading this right, I said it, my boyfriend went to jail. Not something either of us is proud of, but just wait until you hear why.
B and I are from a small town in GA so since we all know everyone I was thinking I would at least be able to find out why he was taken off to county lock up. Not so much. I bet I seriously made 20 calls to people and no one could seem to tell me why my boyfriend was sitting in a jail cell. Did find out however that he wasn't alone. His father was with him. Finally late in the evening B is finally booked and charged. Are you ready for this one. His big charges that have kept him in jail ALL DAY.... Hunting without a license and Hunting on Private Property. He was being charged with something that happened November 2009. No, I cannot make up the stupidity of the situation. It gets better.
The next day B finally see's the judge and gets a $5,000 bond over these charges. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?!? I was furious. After talking to an incredibly nice person at the county jail I find out the reason behind this is because dear 'ol dad had a bench warrant for his arrest for failing to appear and like father/like son, B is being held accountable (with no actual reason) and deemed a flight risk.
I finally got a phone call from B and he was stressed and upset. Call lasted all of 6 1/2 seconds. Not what I was hoping for after my full blown panic attacks while trying to figure out how to get him out of jail. His mom was being of no help. Due to bailing him out of jams in the past she wanted to leave him there. Now, I love this woman just as much as I love my own mother so it really upset me to hear those things from her. I was really coming close to a full blown nervous breakdown by Saturday morning.
By Saturday morning (and talking to every bondsman in GA) I was lost and had no idea how I was going to get him out of jail. Maybe by the power of love or prayer, my phone rings and its his mother. She is willing to bond him out. THANK YOU GOD!! She has plans for the morning that she's going to go ahead and do, but then she'll get him out. Boyfriend will not spend another night in that awful place. I could not have been happier. I call the jail and luckily
Saturday night was one of the most amazing nights in our relationship. Even though we are seperated by miles (temporarily) this whole experience has somehow strengthened our relationship. He has said several times that now he realizes just how much I really do love him and how much he loves me. After all his time to think he knows that we are meant to be together. I am his very best friend and he wants to grow old along side of me. (Sorry for the gushing!!)
I finally get past all that stress and then work comes into play. People are cranky, mean and downright rude. I'm really tired of it. I work so much that when I take a day off during the week and don't work to make it up, when payday rolled around I still had all my hours plus hours of overtime. How is that possible when I literally skipped out on an full 8 hr day?? I work WAY too much. My job has become my life. I am surrounded by negativity when we just came off the best selling month we've had all year. WHY?!?! Why is everyone just not on top of their game because we all sold alot of cars and we all made alot of money? Whey does everyone have to go right back into being in crappy moods and fighting with each other? Yes, I'm going to say it, why can't we all just get along?? Never gonna happen. Can I work at Disney World? Surely the happiest place on Earth would at least be a positive environment to work in???
Ok, its quite possible that this blog will not make sense to anyone but me and I guess that's probably ok. I just really needed to vent about the idiocy that locked my sweet man up for three days and the crappiness that has become a job that I used to love going to everyday. I know we all have off days/weeks but it's just become a little overwhelming this week. I feel very angry ALL the time. I have prayed for more patience (I must be at my max), and for some positive energy to come into the lives of my coworkers. I'm hoping that the next two days can hurry by so that I can have some relaxing time in my home with wine and my other boyfriend, Edward. (Hello my name is Angie and I'm addicted to all things Twilight). Maybe that can give me some peace to move forward and get through the next few months until I can get back to GA and put my arms around the man I love.
Until next time, I am sending you all an E-hug for those of us who are all in the boat of just needing our man to put his arms around us and make everything disappear, but can't due to seperations. I admire you all. You are strong women that I look up to every single day.
Take Care,
Friday, August 6, 2010
Ode to a three day weekend
I started yesterday with a nice walk in the morning that was almost 2 miles surrounding my apartment complex. I felt great afterwards and was very much so looking forward to repeating this process every day but Sunday. (Gotta have a day of rest somewhere) Then after about an hour or so at work I noticed this incredibly sharp pain in my heel. Putting any sort of pressure on it just about made me cry. I thought it was just soreness so I ignored it and continued on with me day. I woke up this morning and couldn't hardly even walk. Got in to the Dr and after X-rays found out I have a bone spur on my heel. Therefore I earned myself a three day weekend and 48 hours off my foot. Obviously, this is not completely possible as a single woman having to care for myself. Its times like these, I do miss having a husband. :(
On a quick side note, what in the world did we EVER do in waiting rooms without cell phones? Granted my wait was not very long in the small, square room waiting to hear the results of my x-rays but had it not been for my lovely Iphone and the Yahoo Messenger App that allowed me to chat with friends I would've been crawling the walls!!! We have become a completely technology reliant society and it amazes me to think that not that many years ago we didn't even have text messages.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Popping the Blogger Cherry!!
I was born and raised in the south and am a complete Southern Belle!! I love the fall for SEC football season, cooking, reading, cross stitching, and taking care of my loved ones.
After my divorce I stayed put here in Layton, UT due to the amazing job that I have for a local dealer group. Most days, yes I do honestly love my job. I get to drive awesome cars (AUDI!!) and meet tons of new people each and every day. I am a complete people person so my job fits my personality well.
Not so sure that everything I have to blog about will be super exciting, but for those who choose to follow me, thank you and Welcome To Mi Vida Loca and my adventures in car sales, Utah, and (eek!!) pushing 30 and dating!!