Sunday, September 26, 2010
It's Finally Here
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Favorite Things Thursday!

This trip to Vegas I will be staying at Circus Circus and I hear it will be quite entertaining. I've never been in this particular casino before but I look forward to something new. Lets just hope there aren't any clowns around, or I'll get no sleep. Me = deathly afraid of clowns.
I won't be blogging while I'm away but I look forward to catching up with all of you once I return and hopefully having a romantic (EEK!!) reunion story with boyfriend!! Love to you all and have a great weekend and upcoming week!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Math = Happiness
Nothing very exciting here this weekend. A little laundry and cleaning. Today I went for my run and completely overestimated the weather and was no properly hydrated. Will never make that mistake again. It took me way too long to recover.
Hope everyone has a great week! I know I will on the last leg of my countdown!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Favorite Things Thursday
I have six brothers and sisters and several neices and nephews. My dad passed away almost 14 years ago. He was my world. I love my mom, but I was the epitomy of a daddy's girl. Look it up in the dictonary, you'll see my picture. The sun rose and set with that man and I miss him every single day. They say time heals all wounds, but this one hasn't happened yet. It's like that scar on the back of your elbow you never notice until you touch it accidentally. Always there, but not always noticeable.
My mom lives in GA and I'm excited to see her and my stepdad in a little over a week now. Unfortunately, I won't get to see my siblings because they all still reside in FL. But I do love them alot.
I got the idea to blog about my family because boyfriend's uncle passed away this morning. I've spent the day talking to him, his mom, his grandma and if one day I am fortunate enough to rock his last name, I will be entering into one amazing family. His grandmother made me cry this morning. I called her to comfort her on the loss of her son, and instead she tells me how excited she is to see me. I love this family as much as I do my own. Some of them possibly more. JK
Even though my family is far apart, we all know we love one another and would be there for the other one in a heartbeat. I've watched my neiecs and nephews grow into beautiful young men and women. I would lay down my life for any one of them at any given moment.
Tonight, when you go to bed, please send up a little prayer for boyfriend's sweet family. They need it now in this awful time. And hug your loved ones a little bit closer. Or call up mom/dad just to say I love you. I know I sure did. Life is too precious and you can never tell someone you love them enough.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Little Things
It's about those simple things. A text to say I'm thinking about you. An I love you out the blue. Sitting on the couch watching TV and not even having to say a word to each other. Passing notes in the hallway in between classes. Exchanging that look and knowing exactly what the other person is thinking.
When I look back on the past relationship that boyfriend and I had a lot of memories come back. But some of the strongest are of those little moments. Our prom photographer captured a photo of us. It's of our backs and I'm sitting in boyfriends lap looking at him and I have this huge smile on my face. This perfect stranger captured one of the best memories I have and to this day ten years later I can still tell you exactly how I felt at that moment. It's one of the few moments in my life I remember feeling truly loved.
Whenever we were together we were constantly close. We were either holding hands or he'd have his arm draped around my shoulders in that casual way. It was never anything forced or thought about or over analyzed. It just happened whenever we were together. I remember riding in his '88 Camaro snuggled in his camo jacket with his hand on my thigh and if I close my eyes I can still feel it and remember the smells and exactly how it felt. Those little moments are forever etched in my memory and I'm grateful for it.
Today I was at work stressing about trying to get everything done and right in the middle of all the madness my phone beeped and I looked down and it was from boyfriend and all it said was "I love you Angie". Even though we are 3000 miles and two time zones apart it was like he knew that was exactly what I needed to hear at that very moment. He calms me in a way no one has ever been able to do. Its the little things like that simple text that can absolutely make my whole day.
I can't wait for the next two weeks to fly by so I can experience the little things with him again. Because at the end of the day, I would rather fight with him than make love with anyone else.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Two Weeks!
Yes, I am a little bit happy about a Monday. Tomorrow I am officially two weeks away from being back in Georgia and reuniting with wonderful boyfriend! This is a day I am dreaming about. I was talking to my BFF this weekend about the little things couples take forgranted of. One of the biggest things I am looking forward to is just being able to hold his hand. Sounds silly I know, but it's something we used to do all the time. It was just natural. We never thought about it. It just was that way. If we were together, we were holding hands. I know, I know, we were dorky. We were 15!! Lol.
This week is also a big week at work. The dealership I work for was only the third one in the nation to win arbitration against Chrysler and receive our franchise back. That is officially (finally) happening on the 15th. We are SUPER excited and proud and can't wait to start receiving in our products of new Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge vehicles.
Not really anything else exciting to report. Had a pretty lazy weekend. If any of you are movie fan I do recommend Killers with Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Hiegl. Hilarious!!! Hope everyone has a great week!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Favorite Things Thursday!
Thanks to the internet I have met some really amazing people and some are my fellow bloggers. One in particular who has been there for me through some of the worst times of my life. Over the summer we actually got the chance to meet in person and she's just as amazing as I always knew she would be. She will definitely be a lifelong friend of mine. And its the internet that keeps us connected through PCS's, moves, and whatever life brings our way.
The internet is also what allows me to do my job. It's the basis for it actually. I sell cars over email. The internet has become to play a huge roll in the way car dealers do business now a days. In the last month I have taken several classes on this new way of selling and it is fascinating to me the way social networking has impacted the car business.
Last but not least, the internet just provides all around GREAT entertainment!! We can shop online, book trips, see photo's of friends who are thousands of miles away, and even reconnect with long lost loves or find new ones. It's amazing the things that are at our fingertips each and every day.
Enough of my random internet rant. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! Gooo Dawgs!!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Traveling Blues
Enough of my rant about the airlines. I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! UGA won 55-7 in their season opener so that kicked off a wonderful weekend for me! And today is exactly three weeks until I'm in GA.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Favorite Things Thursday!
I LOVE flip flops. I have over 10 different pairs. I wear them everyday. I got married in flip flops. I even sneak them on in snowy winters just because I hate closed toed shoes. The exception to that is of course, the hooker boots, but a girl can only take those so many days in a row.
But seriously, I might have a problem. Snow or not, I would wear my flip flops religiously if I weren't afraid of frostbite. Being a Florida girl, I was practically born and raised in them or shoeless. It's how we rolled back then. But of course it was safe to walk around without shoes on when I was a little kid. Nowadays you have to worry about germs and drugs and other crazy things.
Flip flops are also convenient! I love that I can just easily slip them off everywhere. The airport, work, movies, the car, etc. They're just versatile and convenient. Maybe that's why I love them so much. Either way, I heart my flip flops for many reasons. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I'm a slacker
Currently I am enjoying my coffee before I have to go to work and start the chaos that I know is going to happen. We're getting a new system, which none of us know how to use, and it is not transferring our customer database from the old one. Guess who gets to input all those customers by hand, by herself?? Yep, I won!!! I got the Golden Ticket for that prize! Thankfully there is a three day weekend in sight and my BFF has promised wine and Edward!
To close it is FINALLY September. The weather is starting to cool off a little here and I am excited about fall. I love all the things that come with fall. Cooler weather, football season, beautiful scenery in the mountains, Halloween. Oh yeah, and I get to see the boyfriend in 27 days! It's gonna be a great month!