Merry Christmas from the Standridge's!
Ok, that's a little late but I was lazy on Christmas and wasn't on the computer much. I cooked our dinner at lunch and we ate and then passed out for a few hours for a nap. It was awesome!! I convinced hubs to see Black Swan with me and after that we walked around the Christmas Village's here and enjoyed the lights. Our families in the south were blessed with a White Christmas. The first one since the 1800's. We were very excited for them but I was a little sad that we were here in Utah and had no snow whatsoever. We were pleasantly surprised the next day when we walked outside and were covered in snow.

I can't believe tomorrow is New Years Eve!! 2010 has really flown by. 2010 for me did not start out that well. I endured yet another heartbreak but it ended up being the best thing for me because it made me soul search and reach out to the now hubs. I am so excited to see what 2011 will hold for us. We're already planning a couple of trips and a possible move in the spring.
I hope all of you have a safe and Happy New Years and that 2011 brings you health, happiness and most importantly, love. I look forward to all the new blogs and sharings of great adventures!