Saturday, January 29, 2011

TGIF and a Send Off

I have to start this blog by saying that I could not wait for Friday to get here. Seriously, it has been one of THOSE weeks at work. And even though I love my job I needed a break. It didn't hurt that we had plans for the last two weeks to see Royal Bliss again.

Last night was their last show in Utah for the next few months while they're touring across the country. I know all of us bloggers are spread all over the country so check these guys out on their Facebook page and see if they are coming to a town near you! They are absolutely worth the trip!

Us on our way to Liquid Joes

Dwayne, rockin' guy from GA

Neal, Lead singer

Taylor, Lead guitarist we met at our first Royal Bliss show

Me and Dwayne after the show

New Royal Bliss CD signed by all 3 guitarists
As you can see we had another amazing time. These guys do not disappoint AT ALL! Also, they post weekly webisodes on YouTube and they are hilarious. Check them out!! Royal Bliss, be safe on the road and can't wait to see you again when you get back to Utah!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Blizzard Bloghop 2011

I saw this on another blogger's page and decided to join in to hopefully meet lots of new people! I love stalkers!! JK

A little about me! I am a twenty something (new) wife! On Dec 17th I married my best friend and high school sweetheart after reconnecting earlier last year thanks to Facebook
I'm a mom to a growing 6 yr old who is about to finish 1st grade. He does everything from karate to boy scouts to video games! But he stole my heart the second he was born.

I literally blog about EVERYTHING! What's going on in my life, something that catches my attention, and our soon journey down the road of conception. I also try to help advise women who are new to the military lifestyle as I have been an AF brat and was an AF wife for 6 years. My blog is still relatively new so I would love more stalkers followers!!

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to browse around and leave me some love so I can stop by your blog as well! Hope to get to know you soon!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A little blog about a band

Ok, so I have been a terrible blogger lately and haven't even blogged in 2011 yet!!! In my defense I was waiting on something really cool to happen to blog about. And it finally did.

All last week my hubs had been wanting to go see this band at a local bar. I was SO not feeling it. Busy, hectic week at work with the Auto Expo and sponsoring the Hof Winterfest German festival in Ogden. Both great events and lots of fun but after two days of running back and forth between Ogden and Sandy I was exhausted. The last thing I wanted to do was be up all night at a crowded bar with drunk people. I would've much preferred to stay home in my nice peaceful house in my pajama's on my couch. But this was the first thing hubs has actually WANTED to do since he came to Utah so I sucked it up, fixed my hair, put on something cute and we want. BOY AM I GLAD I DID!!!

We went to see this band called Royal Bliss. If you have never heard of them (like I hadn't) YouTube them NOW!!! I sat in the only chair left open in the whole place and it just so happened to be right next to their guitarist, Taylor. Super nice guy!! He told me a little about the band and we just had some fun conversation until it was their turn to go on stage. I was blown away by their music. And if anyone knows me, you know what a huge role music plays in my life.

Royal Bliss has been together for 13 years and are from right here in Utah. They tour but I'm not exactly sure how far they go. This group of guys is so talented I cannot believe they are still playing bars in Utah and not touring with Nickelback or someone else just as big. There music is definitely alternative but not so hard its nothing but shouting. I have had their one song, Devils and Angels, in my head since that night. Pretty sure it along with many others are going to be appearing on my ipod soon. I sat there through the whole concert just completely immersed in their music. Not only are their songs good, and the men talented (and pretty easy on the eyes) but they definitely know how to keep their crowd engaged. I give this concert a total 10 stars!!

So if you haven't done it by now, go check them out! Seriously, what are you waiting for. YouTube, like them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter @royalbliss. And no, the band did not ask me in any way shape for form for this blog, I did it because I love their music and want to spread the word. I'm already planning on seeing them again on the 28th at Liquid Joe's in SLC for anyone in the local area that wants to see them too!